Altán Klamovka

Address: park Klamovka, Prague 5.
Opening hours: Thursday 1-5 pm and after a telephone appointment.

Gallery was founded: 2004.
Curator: doc. Mgr. Lenka Sýkorová, Ph.D.
phone: +420 731 574 777

Gallery Altán Klamovka is located in a neo-gothic pavilion (built approximately 1820) in the park Klamovka in Prague. It is accessible from the metro station Anděl, three tram stops in the direction to Řepy (stop Klamovka). The gallery has been curated by Lenka Sýkorová since September 2004, and in 2005-7 Viktor Čech was the curator of some exhibitions. In 2012 we cooperated with curators Karíma Al-Mukhtarová and Nikola Čuíik in association with the Czech Action Galleries project.

The Altán Klamovka gallery aims to create an autonomous exhibition zone for visual artists. Often the first independent presentations of emerging artists take place in Altán Klamovka. The uniqueness of the gallery, even though it has a small exhibition space, is that the curator with the artist can work collaborate inside the gallery and in the surroundings of the Klamovka park. Therefore the gallery is often used for site-specific projects. During its exhibition activities, Altán Klamovka has established itself in the field of international visual communication.

The exhibition plan is aimed at the young and middle generation of artists. The curatorial key is focused on site-specific projects, drawing, installation, graphic design, performance and new media.

The exhibition space utilises of 12 m². It is a separate roughly square exhibition hall measuring 3.30 x 3.65 m. The front wall has a niche one meter deep; the side walls are flat without window openings. Gallery lighting is provided by six spotlights.

Admission to the gallery is free.

curator project of mapping artist-run spaces in the Czech Republic and Slovakia