12th Virtual Biennale Prague 2022

  • 12th Virtual Biennale Prague 2022

AUG DESIGN – the twelfth International parade of visual arts and design.

International Art Project is divided into two categories: Professional and Student Category and is representing visual artists from Austria, Canada, China, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Macao, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Taiwan, USA and Venezuela. From registered works were selected 255 participants from 26 countries; 122 professionals; 133 students; 52 universities.

Altán Klamovka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic, 29. 11. - 14. 12. 2022

Authors of Project are Karel Míšek and Lenka Sýkorová.
Curator of Project is 
Lenka Sýkorová.
Graphic design by 
Jakub Konupka.

Organising Committee / Karel Míšek (Czech Republic, chairman of the committee), Lenka Sýkorová (Czech Republic), and Jakub Konupka (Czech Republic).

International Jury / Pekka Loiri (Finland, chairman of the jury), Marlena Buczek Smith (USA), Laze Tripkov (Macedonia), Li Zhongyang (China) and Lex Drewinski (Germany).

The sustainability of the values ​​that we pass on from generation to generation lies at the core of our instinct to protect the traditions that make up our collective memory. This can be understood as a shared identity. Today's time is characterized by an uncertain present and future, making us feel and relive the past more and more. Everyday life no longer seems self-evident. I, like many others, lived in a form of unsustainable acceleration for the last few years before the pandemic, and being present in the here and now during the lockdowns gave us all time to review our identities, social values ​​and pause. We discovered that without memory and without the present, we have no future. And so our task became the effort of reconstructing our past.

That is why the theme of tradition was chosen for the 12th Virtual Biennale Prague 2022, It carries a whole range of key words such as roots, national stories, gender, post-colonialism and identity. However, the most dominant and recurring theme has become the question of gender, which is related to the issue of identity. At the same time, a certain fragmented view became apparent – that of what our traditions are that we should pass on to each other. The selected collection of posters is a sure probe into society in 2022 and brings views from 26 countries around the world. Of the submitted posters, 255 were selected, of which 122 were from professionals and 133 were from students from 52 universities. The overall selection refers again to the black and white version with an emphasis on drawing, as the basic medium for the visual expression of the given topic in the form of an artistic poster.

The international project Virtual Biennale Prague is based on the principles of non-verbal and intercultural communication. The project is a good example of incorporating an educational aspect into artistic practice through the presentation and exhibition of artworks. This project’s two categories separately present works from professional artists and designers and college students. The project is supported by the Altán Klamovka Gallery in Prague (Lenka Sýkorová) and the Sutnar Faculty of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (prof. Karel Míšek, Jakub Konupka). At the same time in the virtual gallery https://tradition-2022.tumblr.com.

Lenka Sýkorová
